Thursday, May 19, 2005

US Imperialist Poison For The Mind Rejected

The Korean people single-mindedly united around the banner of Songun held aloft by the flawless leadership of the Dear Leader Comrade Generalissimo Kim Jong Il the brilliant statesman, political genius, invincible strategist, and most intellectually muscular man in human history, single-heartedly reject the mind poison foisted upon their spirit by the evil Bush clique US imperialist Pentagon propaganda machine using such counterevolutionary weapons as cell phones, DVDs and VHS tapes in an effort to stifle the Juche-based society of the DPRK.

Such attemps by the criminal Bush clique of evil capitalist war-mongers is of course rejected en masse by the masses of the Korean people, their heats brimming to the ears with intense loyalty for the Dear Leader Comrade generalissimo Kim Jong Il and his Songun politics which is the treasured mighty Sword of Might of the people in defense of Korean-style socialism.

It is with one single voice that the whole people of the DPRK shout back at the US imperialists with the slogan : "Let’s strike back to the foully trick of the imperialism to rot our ideology and regime and break up our internal society!” thus winning another great victory for the invincible Juche-based society of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

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